Thursday, November 7, 2019

Welcome to fall in Texas. Where the temps are in the 70s with sun on Monday and on Tuesday, it’s sleeting with temps in the 30s.

Kinda like life.

Yesterday was a bad day. It was just one of those dreary days wherein there is a desperate shortage of sunshine, coffee, and eye rolls. Work was stressful, traffic thick, and dinner late. You know the kind.

Then, today, I woke up in my sweet spot. Like, just after the alarm goes off, and you’re nestled snugly in your pillow when your body decides to wake itself up. The coffee was ready, the house was the right temperature to get dressed without getting icicles on my toes, and the first email I read was an encouraging one. I texted my BFF that I was having a great day.

Two hours later, I was right back to the mood of the previous day. Everything sucked. All it took was a snarky comment from an ill-informed coworker to turn my sweet green grapes sour.

Why do I continue to allow myself to get swayed by the ebbs and flows of life? Can’t I just be stable all the time, comfortable in my own skin and confident in my identity as a child of God, loved and accepted just as I am? No, I cannot.

Because I’m human.

This life is hard. It’s beautiful and breathtaking and wonderful and terrible, all at the same time. I have to remember that sometimes, “those days” just happen. And sometimes, all is right with the world at 9:02 a.m., and by 9:16, the whole world has fallen apart. Sometimes it’s not okay. And it’s okay to not be okay.

Sometimes being human is enough.

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