Sunday, December 29, 2019

And just like that, the holidays are gone.

Forgive my pithy trifles for the time being, but I must take a moment before I move on.

I thought this year would be different. I suppose it was, but certainly not in the way that I thought it would. Yes, we all wish for health and happiness in each new year, and there were glimpses of both in 2019, but overall...this year sucked. There was much sickness, a sinus surgery, and the death of a dear aunt. Sure, there were also bonus checks and budding friendships, but this past year, those celebrations were far too often overshadowed by the suck that was 2019. The 45 pounds I had lost came flooding back with a vengeance during my month-long hospital stay. The insomnia and sleep apnea have also taken their toll and necessitated a blood pressure medication, with which I've never struggled until now. These are no small things.

Which brings me to today, and the choices I have for right now.

Yes, dear reader, I have brought you along for a solid, one-paragraph pity party. But I shall choose not to stay there.  In 2020, I have decided, I shall keep a good attitude, and good things will be attracted to me. And I to good things.

I had a Scripture promise come to me for new and good things to come: Isaiah 43:19 (one of my favorites) says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Now, THIS is good news! Not just because of the promise, which is an amazing promise, but also because the Lord HIMSELF has said that HE would do it! That means that I don't have to work harder, try better, perfect anything, or die trying to ___, because God Himself is making a way for ME, even where there was no way!

Yes, I will still make the traditional resolutions, including the eating of more vegetables and less sugar, but more than that, I can stand on the promises of God that are for me in this new year.

2020 is going to be the best one yet!!!

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And just like that, the holidays are gone. Forgive my pithy trifles for the time being, but I must take a moment before I move on. I tho...